CRank: 5Score: 34070

That Killzone2 wa the second coming of Christ. It was the game to end all games. Yet it only sold 1mil.
What about the other 19mill Sony owners????

This is suppose to be the reason to get a PS3. It THEE game for Sony. What happend???

5672d ago 11 agree26 disagreeView comment

Make it look better or the very least give it an identity of its own.

I cant wait for Halo Wars cut scene graphics. Those were awesome.

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I sense a little fanboyism in there. just a touch maybe?

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What? are you being sarcastic?

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Instead, i'll report all their flamebait cr@p.

5674d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Because it's nowhere near GOTY. It MIGHT be a contender but no GOTY. Im thinking GOW, Uncharted2, Bioshock2 (My fav). Plus we still dont know what Microsoft may unveil. Maybe Alan Wake.

5675d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Overhyped. Sorry controls. Boooooring as hell.

5676d ago 5 agree16 disagreeView comment

for keep it real.

5679d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

spreading lies. This is why this site gets a bad rep.

5680d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Its a BLOGSPOT blog. C'mon guys. Lets keep NG4 honest. News for Gamers. Not Fanboys with blogs. FWB

5681d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

Im hoping it comes out on the 360. If not, then i'll wait until i can get it at a really good price.

5682d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I want to play Killzone2 "Gameplyer". I just want more responsive controls. "Meus" hit the nail on the coffin. That is a big problem and its down to luck at some points. It just sucks not being able to execute ones intentions.

5682d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

I know what you are saying. I agree 100%. Due to the physics it has a slight delay on ones movement.

I just want people to acknowledge peoples concerns over the controls are justified. Its there. We are not making it up. Now im sure people will get used to it if they choose to keep playing. My only fear is that most will just move on to a more satisfying experience thus making killzone2 online community life-span shorter than it could have been.

5682d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lets call it a "Delay" if it makes Fanboys feel better. I also have Killzone2 at comment 1.13.

Im not being a fanboys but instead acknowledge that there is a problem with it. I would like it to be FIXED. That is all. Alot of Killzone players want it fixed.

Im sure in time it will be fixed. Lets just hope people have not given up on the game by then.

5682d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

Its not confirmed to be exclusive. Maybe i missed it?

Also Wordpress should not be allowed.

Sasa ^^^^ One can say the same about Killzones Textures. LP2 looks insane as does Killzone2 so lets leave it at that.

5682d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

LOOK at the video provided. There is movement lag. It has been acknowledged by the Devs. Its there on purpose to add weight to guns/mass etc. There IS MOVEMENT LAG.

5683d ago 23 agree23 disagreeView comment

Maxim Magazine gave it a 3/5. This is Its pretty dumb.

5683d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

People say it "realism" but to most its LAG.

5683d ago 19 agree35 disagreeView comment

But this is no better.

5684d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

written poorly and pure speculation.

5684d ago 27 agree24 disagreeView comment